Sunday, March 29, 2015

what is a system?

What is a system?
A  system is an arrangement of various elements which  are in orderly manner to accomplish an ojective.
system means an organised relationship among functioning units or components.A system exists because it is designed to achieve one or more objectives
Examples :
Telephone System
A Food Production System

Production system

A system is governed with some logic governeed  by rules,regulations,principles and polices.Sucha an arrangement is also infuenced by the objective the systemm desire to achieve.
system are created to solve problems.

A system may have single input & multiple outputs.All the system operate in the environment.The environment may in fluence the system in its design & performance.
When a system is designed to achieve certain abjectives,it automtically sets the boundaries for itself.

Elements of system:
1.output & inputs
5.boundaries and interfaces

1.Output and inputs
The major objective of a system is to produce  an output that has value to its user.
Inputs are the physical objectives & information that cross the boundaries to enter system from its environment 

Outputs are the physical objectives & informations that go from the system into its environment.
  Watever a system returns from its environment inorder to full fill its purpose.

It is everything that is relevant to the system that is outside of the boundary.

3.Boundary and Interface
 *Boundary defines what is inside the system & what is outside.It is the line that marks the inside & outside of a system & set off  the system from its environment.
*Interface represents point of contact where system meets its environment or it can define where subsystem meet each other.

Boundaries & surrounding/environment of system
Types of system
    It have been classified in different ways
    1.physical or abstract.
    2.Open or closed
   3.Natural or man made.

1.Physical System
  These are those tangible entities that may be static (changable) or dynamic in operation.
 The physical part of the computer center are desk,char tha facilitate operation of the computer .
 They can be seen & counted,they are static incontrast a programmed computer is a dynamic system.
 Data,programmes,output & application change as the users demand or the priority of the information  requested changes.

2.Abstract system
  These are conceptual or non-physical entities.They may be as straight forward as formulas of        relationship among sets of variables or models the abstract conceptualization.
  A model is an easier way for the analysis under study.The objective is to point out the significant    element & the key interelationship of a computer system.

3.Open & Closed system
This system of classification is base on the degree of independence.
 *An Open System is that interacts freely with its environment,taking input & returning output
  Education or Bussiness process changes quickly.
      An Open system will interact with element that exixt & influence from outside boundary of the    system.

An open System

*A Closed System is which cut off from its environment & does not interact with it.
   It is completely isolated from the environment for its operation.
   Such closed system will finaly run down or become disprganised.This movement to disorder is     termed as inc. in Entrophy.
Difference in Open & Closed System
3.Informal & Formal system
These are those system in which everything is organised in a particular manner.The work perform by the sub-system is decided before hand.
*In a formal system,changes are not performed during runtime.
*Informal system,there is no particular path to achieve the goal or objective required in the sub system can be altered or change during the course.

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